Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: GDOT_INSPECTX.VW_INSPECTX_ASSET_LOADLMT_DTL.STRUCTUREOPENPOSTEDCLOSED Field 2: null Field 3: null Field Delimiter: , Default Symbol:
Default Label: null UniqueValueInfos:
Value: K Label: Bridge closed to all traffic Description: Symbol:
Value: P Label: Posted for load Description: Symbol:
Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: GDOT_INSPECTX.VW_INSPECTX_ASSET_LOADLMT_DTL.STRUCTUREOPENPOSTEDCLOSED Field 2: null Field 3: null Field Delimiter: , Default Symbol:
Default Label: UniqueValueInfos:
Value: A Label: Open, no restriction Description: Symbol:
Value: D Label: Open, would be posted or closed except for temporary shoring, etc. to allow for unrestricted traffic Description: Symbol:
Value: G Label: New structure not yet open to traffic Description: Symbol:
Value: R Label: R-Posted for other load-capacity restriction (speed, number of vehicles on bridge, etc.) Description: Symbol: